Thursday, March 24, 2016

Digital Media Midterm

1) Proposal/abstract:

For the midterm I will be creating a portfolio of my digital images.

2) Production log:

Preproduction and production:


-Trying to duplicate the amount of toy figures in the image


-Achieved by creating a cut out of the toy figure and duplicating it and placing them accordingly. The adding shadows on a separate layer using the burn tool.


-Trying to add more colour and contrast to the buildings in the picture.


-Using hue and saturation, brightness and contrast and colour balance I was able to improve the quality of the photo.


-Trying to add more colour and contrast to the picture, and also increase the brightness.


-Using hue and saturation, brightness and contrast, colour balance and exposure I was able to improve the quality of the photo.


-3D rendered scan of my head (Rendered in KeyShot)


-Use of Photoshop filter (Artistic/Colour Pencil/Cutout) and added lines in the background, then saved as a PNG


-Trying to make the final model and ball appear as if they’re in motion


-By adding motion blur to the ball I was able to make it appear as if it was travelling. The metal bar required more work. I had to first create a motion blur, then duplicate it several times and play with the opacity of the layers to get the image how I wanted it.

Original Image 2:
-Used as one of the images in the image blend

Original Image 1:
-Used as one of the images in the image blend


-Using a layer mask for image 2 while it was on top of image 1, I was then able to use the gradient tool to blend image 2 into image 1 by dragging the gradient tool from the top of the page vertically down to the bottom of the mountains. This allowed me to just include the sky from image 2 and not blend in the entire image.

3) Self-evaluation

·         What worked:

I felt that basic image editing such as hue and saturation etc worked very well, and I was able to add them as a layer mask so that I could come back to the Photoshop file and edit them at a later date. Filters were also very easy to use, I felt the drop-down menu was very descriptive and accurate when I was trying to find a filter to use, and they were very easy to navigate.

·         What didn’t work:

Although I feel that the shadows I added worked, I think that I could still improve. I also think that I could improve my skills in non-destructive workflow, by starting to clearly name layers and maybe trying to organise images using folders, so that if I was ever to return to my previous work I could quickly pick up where I left off.

·         What you found particularly good or enjoyable:

Enjoyed adding characters and objects to images and creating shadows in the scene.

·         Development:

Maybe starting to use Adobe After Effects to experiment with editing video. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Animation 1 Midterm

Animation 1 Midterm


My proposal is a bar/restaurant scene where the customers are mobile phones and the waiters are phone chargers.

Production Log

Using mobile phone features I am able to create different characters:
Loud/angry: Phone ringing loudly (Harsh ringtone) and shaking/vibrating
Happy: Phone pinging
Nervous/scared: Phone Shaking/vibrating 
Cool: Phone Silent

Scene So Far:


What went right:

I like how the scene is looking so far, the table and chairs have turned out well.

What you would like to change or improve:

I might slightly change the size and the shapes of the characters to better fit into the scene at a later date, maybe adding some individuality to each character. Some ideas include adding accessories to the characters i.e. phone cases. 

How you might proceed from here:

I will further continue to create the character models and interior models such as lampshades etc for the scene, and also add lighting effects and colour/texture to the models. Once I have my scene how I want it, I will then move forward by starting to make the animation and finishing my creating the camera movements for the final animation.

Bouncing Ball Exercise


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Layer masks, adjustment layers and secondary adjustments

Edited Image:
-Using a layer mask for image 2 while it was on top of image 1, I was then able to use the gradient tool to blend image 2 into image 1 by dragging the gradient tool from the top of the page vertically down to the bottom of the mountains. This allowed me to just include the sky from image 2 and not blend in the entire image.

 Original Image 2:
-Used as one of the images in the image blend
 Original Image 1:
-Used as one of the images in the image blend
 Edited Image:
-Using hue and saturation, brightness and contrast, colour balance and exposure I was able to improve the the colour in the sky.
Original Image:
-Trying to add more colour and contrast to the picture, mainly to the sky to increase the colour in the clouds.
Edited Image:
-Using hue and saturation, brightness and contrast, colour balance and exposure I was able to improve the quality of the photo.
 Original Image:
-Trying to add more colour and contrast to the picture, and also increase the brightness.